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Benefits of Skin Care

Esthetics is the application of various treatments to the skin, to maintain its health and vitality. Techniques used include facial steaming, exfoliation, pore cleansing, extractions, chemical peels, and waxing. Aside from these techniques products are used to protect the skin from environmental hazards and combat multiple imbalances.

  • Facials provide optimal nourishment
  • Facials even tone, texture, and clarity of skin
  • Facials accelerate tissue regeneration
  • Facials encourage cell growth
  • Facials increase blood supply and collagen production
  • Facials protect skin from environmental stress
  • Facials treat common skin disorders bringing skin back to its normal, healthy state
I use Sanitas Skincare and I'm the only establishment in Tallahassee to carry this product. Sanitas is a Latin word meaning good health. It is formulated, manufactured, and distributed in Boulder, Colorado. It is not tested on animals, is paraben-free, contains no preservative, and is kosher!

A proper and thorough consultation will determine your skin type and allow maximum results. Facials are not only relaxing, but rejuvenating. With routine visits and a regular home-care system your skin will look and feel amazing.